Sometimes It Takes a Woman to Understand.
In the world of personal injury, women who sustain injuries often prefer to be represented by other women who can relate to female-specific issues. Sometimes it takes a woman to understand the concerns of an injured woman and to understand the exact nature of a woman’s injury. Some female-specific issues include:
- Assault, sexual assault, and rape cases (see brochure)
- Brain injuries affecting multi-tasking abilities.
- Injuries involving post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and other mental and emotional disorders.
- Malpractice cases involving breast, ovarian, cervical, uterine, and other cancers.
- Cases against obstetricians or gynecologists.
- Cases involving injuries to private parts of a women’s anatomy.
- Injuries involving facial scars and other disfigurements.
- Cases involving stay-at-home moms who need women who can quantify the loss of service to the household.
- Cases involving working moms who need to quantify a loss of service beyond lost wages.
For More Information Listen To Our Women’s Injury Law Broadcast